CA Inter Registration March 2024: Everything You Need to Know | Complete Detail


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Basic Details of CA Inter Course 2024

CA FoundationRegistration, Fees & Exam Details Etc.
Exam NameCA Intermediate Course 2024
Conducting BodyInstitute Of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI)
Level Of ExamNational Level (Second Step In CA Journey)
EligibiltyCA Inter Registration Through – CA Foundation Course
CA Inter Registration Through – Direct Entry Route (After Graduation)
CA Inter Registration feesCA Inter Registration Fees For Single Group – ?13000 = [ ?11000 + ?2000 (Student’s Activity Fees)]
CA Inter Registration Fees For Both Groups – ?18000 (Registration + Activity Fee + Article Assistant)
Registration ModeOnline
SyllabusGROUP – 1
Paper-1: Advanced Accounting (100 Marks)
Paper-2: Corporate and Other Laws (100 Marks)
Part I: Company Law and LLP
Part II: Other Laws
Paper-3: Taxation (100 Marks)
Section A: Income-Tax Law (50 Marks)
Section B: Indirect Taxes (50 Marks)

Paper 4: Cost and Management Accounting (100 marks)
Paper 5: Auditing and Ethics (100 marks)
Paper 6A: Financial Management (50 Marks)
Paper 6B: Strategic Management (50 Marks)
Exam ModeOffline (Pen & Paper Based)
Medium of ExamEnglish/ Hindi
Exam DatesMay/June 2024 & Nov 2024 (Twice In a Year)
CA Inter Registration And CA Inter Registration Fees Nov 2024

CA Inter Registration Complete Detail:

CA Inter Registration Nov 2023 -?The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) is accepting the?registration for CA Inter November 2023 session until March 01, 2023. However, it has closed the registration of CA Intermediate exam 2023 for May session on September 1, 2022. The Institute will open the exam form of CA Intermediate 2023 for May session on February 3, 2023. The last date to fill the CA Inter exam form will be February 24, 2023 without late fees.?Once a candidate completes CA Intermediate registration 2023 it will be valid for a span of four years.?To register for?CA Intermediate?course, candidates have two options – admission through direct entry route or after clearing?CA Foundation exam.

Eligibility For CA Inter Registration Nov 2023

The two paths to register for the CA Intermediate Course are;

  1. CA Foundation Route – Clear the CA Foundation course to be eligible for the CA Intermediate registration through the foundation route.
  2. CA Direct Entry Route ? Graduated or Post Graduated students with a minimum required percentage can directly register for the CA Intermediate exam without giving CA Foundation.

The CA Intermediate eligibility criteria through the Direct entry route are:

  • Commerce student graduate or postgraduate should have scored a minimum of 55% marks, and non-commerce graduate or postgraduate students should have scored a minimum of 60% marks.
  • Candidates must have cleared the intermediate level of the institute of company secretaries of India and the institute of cost Accountancy in India.

Students registering for the CA Intermediate through the foundation route can go for either both groups or a single group. But, the direct entry route students have to register for both groups together.

CA Inter Direct Entry Route

Candidates who are Graduates/ Post Graduates in Commerce having secured in aggregate a minimum of 55% of the total marks or its equivalent grade in the examination conducted by any recognized University (including Open University) by studying any three papers carrying a minimum of 50 marks in a semester/year and cumulatively 100 or more marks over the entire duration of the concerned course out of the following Subjects

Accounting, Auditing, Mercantile Laws, Corporate Laws, Economics, Management (including Financial Management), Taxation (including Direct Tax Laws and Indirect Tax Laws), Costing, Business Administration or Management Accounting or similar to the title of these papers with different nomenclatures or other than those falling under Commerce stream having secured in aggregate a minimum of 60% of the total marks or its equivalent grade in the examination conducted by any recognized University (including Open University).

Candidates who have passed the Intermediate level examination conducted by The Institute of Cost Accountants of India or by The Institute of Company Secretaries of India are exempted from qualifying Foundation and can register directly to Intermediate Course.

CA Inter Provisional Registration

Candidates who are pursuing the Final Year Graduation/Post-Graduation-Course shall be eligible for provisional registration to the Intermediate Course which shall be confirmed only on submission of satisfactory proof of having passed the Graduation/Post Graduation examination with the minimum marks as mentioned above, before making the application for admission to Intermediate Examination.

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And if the candidate fails to secure minimum marks as mentioned above before making the application for admission to Intermediate Examination, his provisional registration shall be cancelled, no credit shall be given for the theoretical education undergone and the Council may on receipt of an application from a candidate who is unable to produce the satisfactory proof referred to in this regulation, permit refund of such amount of registration and tuition fee, as may be decided by it from time to time.

CA Inter Conversion to Direct Entry Route

Existing Students of Common Proficiency Course/Foundation Course on being eligible to join Intermediate Course through Direct Entry Route can any time register for Intermediate Course through Direct route by paying the Intermediate Registration fees only.

Existing Students of Intermediate Course through CPT/ Foundation Course on being eligible to join Intermediate Course through Direct Entry Route will apply for conversion to Intermediate through Direct Entry Route.

CA Inter Registration Fees:

Fee DetailsBoth Groups (?)Single Group (?)
CA Inter Registration Fees1500011000
Student’s Activity Fees20002000*
Registration Fee as article assistant1000
Total Fees1800013000
CA Inter Registration

* To be paid once.

**Students from Union Territories of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh, North-East States were given 75% concession in Registration Course Fee for Intermediate (Rs 4500) level if they registered between September 20, 2019 and March 31, 2022. The concession has now been extended from April 1, 2022 till March 31, 2025 and applies to all the above students including those from Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

** Wards of deceased members have been given 75% concession in Registration Course Fee for Intermediate (Rs. 4500) level applicable from April 1, 2022.

  1. The registration fee for CA Intermediate is $1000 for both groups and $600 for a single group for foreign students.
  2. The students who are entering the CA Course by the direct entry route have to pay Rs 200 (the US $20) as a cost of the prospectus in addition to the above fees.
  3. Direct entry students also need to register themselves for the ITT and OP training program before registering for the practical training each for 15 days.
  4. The fee for ITT(Information Technology Training) Program is Rs 6500/- inclusive of the Study Material and tea/refreshment provided by the  ICAI.
  5. And the fee for the OP (Orientation Program ) is Rs 7000/- inclusive of Study Material and tea/refreshment provided by the ICAI.

Documents Required For CA Inter Registration

  1. Attested copy of the class 12th marksheet or its equivalent Central Govt. recognized examination.
  2. For the direct entry scheme students ? Attested copy of the Graduation / Post Graduation Marksheet or Mark statement of Intermediate level Examination of ICSI (Institute of Company Secretaries of India) or ICWAI (Institute of Cost Accountants of India)
  3. Coloured and latest photograph.
  4. Proof of Nationality, if a student is a foreigner.
  5. Proof of special category certificate i.e. SC/ST/OBC or Differently abled.

Make sure that you have all the above documents with you while filling out the CA Intermediate registration form.

Once the above formalities are completed, CA Intermediate Study Material will be dispatched to the students within one month through the Centralized Dispatch System.

How to Register For CA Intermediate?

In this section, we?ll chart out the step-by-step process of registering for the CA Intermediate course.

To start the CA Intermediate registration process online, you can either visit the official website: or simply visit the Self Service Portal (SSP) and follow these steps.

Step 1: Login To SSP

You need to have your account created on the ICAI SSP to get started with the CA inter registration process. If you have created the login to SSP, sign in using your login credentials. If you don?t have the login ID yet, click on the link for ?First Time User (New Student) ? (see image below)

Once your login credentials are created, you will receive them in your registered email ID.

Step 2: Student Cycle

Enter your user ID and password and click on ?Login?. It will take you to the page below, where you need to click on ?Student Cycle?.

Click ?Intermediate through PE1/CPT/Foundation. If you?re eligible for Direct Entry, then click on ?Intermediate (Direct Entry) for existing student?

For those students who are new applicants and are eligible for direct entry, ICAI has introduced a new Direct Entry form. You can find the link on SSP (as shown below) and click to proceed.

You?ll need to create your login credentials as explained in the previous step. Once you have received your login details in your email, sign in.  Click on the ?Apply for Direct Entry for New Applicants? (as shown below).

Step 3: Filling the Form

If you?re an existing student, your details will be auto-filled.

Click on ?Save and Next?.

For new applicants in the direct entry category, fill out the details such as your full name, gender, marital status, DOB, mobile number, email address and other details. 

Step 4: Educational Qualifications

You?ll need to furnish your qualification details. Please note that Class 10 and 12 details are mandatory and it?s also compulsory to attach self-attested documents for the same. So make sure to sign and scan the photocopies of all required original documents and upload them.

Step 5: Specify Prefrences

Now you?ll be asked to provide your choice of medium for your study material and whether you wish to join for single or both groups of CA intermediate exams. Your CA inter study materials will be dispatched accordingly.

Your route of joining will be shown as PE1/CPT/FOUNDATION. Click on ?Save and Next?. 

Step 6: Upload Photo And Signature

You?ll need to upload your latest photo with an image size of up to 100 KB. Bear in mind that only jpg and jpeg image formats are accepted. 

Please note: The maximum size of the photo to be submitted should be 21 cm wide X 27 cm in length. If these conditions are not met, your application could be rejected.

Step 7: Generate OTP

After you?ve completed all the above steps, click on ?Generate OTP?.

You?ll receive the OTP in your registered mobile number and a verification link in your registered email ID.

Step 7: Complete the Registration Process

After entering the OTP, enter the CAPTCHA text and click ?Submit?.

This concludes your application submission process. Successful submission will be approved and verified by ICAI.

CA Inter Important Dates

CA Intermediate 2023November 2023
Last date For CA Inter Registration Nov 2023March 1, 2023
Availability of CA Inter exam formTo be notified
Last date for submission of online examination application
forms with late fees of Rs.600
To be notified
Exam datesTo be notified
CA Inter Registration Nov 2023

ICAI CA Intermediate Registration Validity

he validity of the CA Inter registration form is for 4 years. If the candidate can?t qualify for the exam within four years, he has to revalidate his registration.

ICAI has introduced the?CA new scheme?of education & training. Here, the institute has increased the registration validity from 4 years to 5 years.

CA Inter Exams

  • Students shall be admitted to Intermediate Examination if:
    • He is enrolled for the Intermediate Course.
    • He produces a certificate to the effect that he has undergone a study course, for a per
  • Students shall pay Examination fees, as may be fixed by the Council for Intermediate Examination.
  • The subjects of Intermediate Course are classified into two groups with 3 papers each. The students can study and appear in the Examination group-wise or both the groups together

NOTE: Students are advised to visit the website regularly to keep themselves updated with the latest developments, if any.

SKILL ASSESSMENT – Under the Scheme of Education and Training -Ensuring dynamism in Assessment

Students are made aware of the level of necessary skills that would be assessed with respect to each subject so that they can prepare accordingly for the examination.

SKILL ASSESSMENT - Under the Scheme of Education and Training -Ensuring dynamism in Assessment


A student may appear in both the groups simultaneously or in one group in one examination and in the remaining group in any subsequent examination. He is declared to have passed the Intermediate examination, if he passes both the groups. The provisions are as under:

A student shall ordinarily be declared to have passed in both the Groups simultaneously, if he:

Secures at one sitting a minimum of 40% marks in each paper of each of the Groups, viz, Group-I and Group-II, and minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate of all the papers of each of the Groups.
Secures at one sitting a minimum of 40% marks in each paper of both the Groups, viz., Group-I and Group-II and minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate of all the papers of both the Groups taken together.

A student shall be declared to have passed in a Group if he:

Secures at one sitting a minimum of 40% marks in each paper of Group and minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate of all the papers of that Group.

The criteria of negative marking in a paper or papers may be adopted having objective type questions in such a manner as may be specified from time to time.

Exemption Under CA Exams

A student who appeared in all the papers comprised in a Group/Unit and fails in one or more papers in that Group/Unit but secures a minimum of 60% marks in any paper(s) of that Group/Unit shall be eligible for exemption in that paper(s) in the next three following examinations. Which means that while he is availing the benefit of exemption secured in paper(s) during previous examination, he shall have to qualify the remaining papers in any of the next three following examinations.

He shall be declared to have passed in that Group/Unit if he secures at one sitting a minimum of 40% marks in each of the papers of that Group/Unit and a minimum of 50% of the total marks of all the papers of that Group/Unit including the paper(s) in which he had secured a minimum of 60% marks in the earlier examination. He shall not be eligible for any further exemptions in the remaining paper(s) of that Group/Unit until he has exhausted the exemptions already granted to him in that Group/Unit.

If a candidate has exhausted the exemption granted to him under sub-regulation (8) of Regulation 37E and he was not able to pass the said Group or Unit, he may opt for the continuing of said exemption to the subsequent examinations. However, in such a case, such candidate shall be required to obtain a minimum of fifty per cent marks in each of the remaining paper/s of that Group or Unit in order to declare him to have passed in that Group or Unit.



ICAI has introduced exit route namely, Business Accounting Associate, for students who could not complete their CA Course due to any reason whatsoever.

As per the Scheme of Education and Training, a student after fulfilling the below mentioned conditions can apply for BAA certificate by paying the prescribed fees:

  1. Qualified both the groups of Intermediate Examination
  2. Completed Practical Training
  3. Completed both the levels of Soft Skills and Information Technology trainings
  4. Qualified the four Self-Paced Online Modules

FAQs About CA Intermediate Registration, Fees Etc.

I have done graduation. Do I need to enroll for the CA Foundation exam?

As per the eligibility criteria, candidates who have graduation degree can register for the CA Intermediate programme through the direct entry route.

Can I register for the CA Intermediate course anytime during the year?

Yes, the registration for CA Intermediate course is open throughout the year. However, candidates need to keep in mind the cutoff dates before registering themselves.

What is provisional registration for CA Inter Registration Nov 2023 exam?

As per the eligibility criteria, candidates who are in their final year of graduation or postgraduation can register for the CA Intermediate course on a provisional basis. Their registration is approved only when they submit valid proof of their graduation or Class 12 qualification with minimum aggregate marks.

What is the CA Inter registration fee?

Indian candidates have to pay Rs. 18000 for both groups and Rs. 13000 for a single group. However, for foreign students, the registration fee is $1000 for both groups and $600 for a single group.

What are the Documents required for ICAI CA Inter Registration?

Submit the attested copy of the Marksheet of class 12th or its equivalent Central Govt. recognized examination pass Mark statement. For the direct entry scheme students ? Submit the attested copy of the Graduation / Post Graduation Marksheet? OR Marksheet or Mark statement of Intermediate level Examination of ICSI (Institute of Company Secretaries of India)

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