Relaxation on levy of additional fees in filing of certain Forms under the Companies Act, 2013 and LLP Act, 2008


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Hello Everyone,

Please find text of the Relaxation on levy of additional fees in filing of certain Forms under the Companies Act, 2013 and LLP Act, 2008 notification below –

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Relaxation on levy of additional fees in filing of certain Forms under the Companies Act, 2013 and LLP Act, 2008

Corporate Laws & Corporate Governance Committee
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
1st July, 2021

Sub: Further relaxation on levy of additional fees in filing of certain forms under the Companies Act, 2013 and LLP Act, 2008

This is to inform you that the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, in view of the continuous difficulties faced by the stakeholders due to CoVID-19, has further extended the timelines specified in Circular no. 06/2021 dated 03rd May, 2021 for filing of certain forms under the Companies Act, 2013 and LLP Act, 2008 without levy of additional fees.

The circular no 06/2021 dated 03.05.2021 had provided additional time up to 31st July 2021 for Companies/LLPs to file such forms (other than CHG-1, CHG-4 and CHG-9) which were/ would be due for filing during 01st April 2021 to 31st May 2021, without payment of additional fees.

In continuation to the aforesaid circular, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs has extended the timelines up to 31st August, 2021 for Companies/LLPs to file such forms (other than CHG-1, CHG-4 and CHG-9) which were/ would be due for filing during 01st April 2021 to 31st July 2021, without payment of additional fees.

Accordingly, only normal fees shall be levied upto 31st August, 2021 for forms (other than charge related forms referred above) required to be filed during 1st April, 2021 to 31st July, 2021.

Circular is available at the link-

The list of the forms (specified till now) providing waiver of additional fee as per circular no 06/2021 and 07/2021 are as follows:

Members may take note of the above and plan accordingly.

Sincerely Yours,

Chairman and Vice Chairman
Corporate Laws & Corporate Governance Committee
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

Official Link of Relaxation on levy of additional fees in filing of certain Forms under the Companies Act, 2013 and LLP Act, 2008 notification can be accessed from below –

That’s all for now. Stay Connected for more such authentic updates.

Jai Hind, Vande Mataram
Team CA Study

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