Best Test Series for CA Final Students in 2020


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CA Study

Hello Everyone,

Before moving forward with the object of article that is Best Test Series for CA Final Students, we would like to present before everyone below disclaimer –

Best Test Series for CA Final Students in 2020
Best Test Series for CA Final Students in 2020

It is said the more you sweat in practice, the less you bleed in battle. In the recent years, Test Series for CA Final Students has gained a very crucial role in a Student’s success with respect to Passing or Failing in an Exam.

While students get confused over what really should a BEST TEST SERIES HAVE. Below are some points to consider before opting a test series –

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Best Test Series for CA Final: Points to Consider Before Opting One –

Past Performance

Well past performance does matter a lot. It reflects what is the potential of Institute Conducting Test Series with respect to everything. While there is no set parameter of how to check Past Performance, students can generally take advice from their seniors, visit official website of different Test Series Institutes & ask in whatsapp groups or other social platforms (though do not think these suggestions will always come from authenticated ones, but you may still try).

Number of Test Papers

Its completely up to the student. Today, almost all the test series offers different kind of plans with regard to number of test papers. For example, whether there will tests of full syllabus only or chapter wise test series or chapters grouped together with full syllabus etc. There are modifications with respect to number of chapters grouped & number of tests are organized on the basis of that. However, student is advised to thoroughly go through these before deciding the best test series for CA Final.

Question Paper Pattern

It has been observed in past that some test series organizers just copy pastes the ICAI’s question papers or simply pick questions from them without incorporating amendments etc Make sure you can get to know about question paper pattern of the test series you are intending to enroll for. This can be done through multiple ways like asking seniors, friends, on social media etc so that you can get their past papers and decide if their Pattern is worth it.

Copy Checking

Well this is another thing you need to put your eye on. We understand testing this is difficult before enrolling. But time again, your colleagues & social media (authenticated ones only) can best help you decide regarding this. However, going through the website can give you plenty of idea about test series institute too. Just like faculties claiming their students who achieve AIRs, nowadays Test Series does this too. Even though this is not the CONCLUSIVE & ONLY point to consider regarding best test series for ca final, this can contribute in some way too.

Add Ons with Test Series

Test Series is simply no more just a test series. Now a days different institutes provides different add ons with it like doubt solving sessions, free mentoring, practice notes, study planners & much more. If you are planning to go for any test series, make sure you get the best value out of money you spend on enrolling into it.

Best Test Series for CA Final Students in 2020
Best Test Series for CA Final Students in 2020


Market isn’t homogeneous. You may get one thing at a place better than other but at a cost higher then earlier. However, leaving everything else like add ons, if your focus in on core test series conduction and checking only, then you can compare between different test series passing similar benchmarks but still have different prices & choose the one which is more economical.

CA Study in its continuous endeavor to help CA Students save their time & money, has tied up with one of the Best Test Series Institute in India for CA Students. The benefits of enrolling into this test series through CA Study is –

You will get CASHBACK in CA Study Wallet which can be utilized for purchasing Pen Drive & Online Lectures from CA Study Shop.
Any underutilized amount in CA Study Wallet can be transferred to your friend.
You can utilize your CASHBACK received earlier in CA Study Wallet (on purchase of Pen Drive or Online Lectures) in enrolling into Test Series.
Free 6 Months Subscription to CA Study App Premium Version.

Test Series we have tied up with is CATestSeries. With the hope this will bring more saving of time & money for students we will describe below shortly regarding how to enroll into this Test Series through CA Study

Choose the most suitable test series type such as Full Syllabus Test Series, Unscheduled Test Series Detailed Test Series.
Choose subjects you want to enroll into and click on add to cart.
On the checkout page enter relevant details & choose PAYTM as payment gateway for Payment.
Within 24 Hours of Payment, student will get a mail from CATestSeries providing login credentials on their website from where all the test papers & other resources can be accessed.
Only difference in enrolling into Test Series from CA Study website is NO INSTANT ACTIVATION of account. Yes, you need to wait for maximum 24 hours for account activation & updation of relevant test papers a student has enrolled for.
Please note a student can skip entering address details on checkout page on CA Study Shop by entering random details such as xyz/pqr etc in relevant fields.

Best Test Series for CA Final Students in 2020
Best Test Series for CA Final Students in 2020

So this is all we have been working for CA Students recently. If any students comes across any doubt feel free to contact us over whatsapp by clicking here or call/ text message us at +91-8269177887 or simply leave a comment below this post.

Thanks for reading 🙂

Jai Hind, Vande Mataram
Team CA Study

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