ICAI CA Final May 2025: Permanent Exemption Guidelines for Exhausted Exemptions


CA Study Usher

Key Takeaway: Candidates with exemptions from the May 2023 attempt that expire in November 2024 can now make them permanent.

Who Can Apply for Permanent Exemption?

  • Candidates who secured an exemption in May 2023 (valid until Nov 2024).
  • Applications for making these exemptions permanent will be available from March 1 to March 20, 2025 via the Self-Service Portal (SSP).
  • Once made permanent, the exemption cannot be revoked or modified.

Important Rules for Permanent Exemption

One-Time Opportunity: You only get one chance to make an exhausted exemption permanent. If not applied during the given period, the exemption will be lost forever.

Exemptions for Multiple Papers in a Group:

  • If you have exemptions in two or more papers of the same group, you must either make all of them permanent or let all of them lapse.
  • Example: If you have exemptions in Paper 1 and Paper 2 of Group-I, you cannot choose to keep one and let the other expire.

Minimum Marks to Pass the Group:

  • After making an exemption permanent, you must score at least 50% in the remaining papers of that group to pass.

No Corrections or Late Fee Windows:

  • ICAI will not provide a correction window or late fee window for this process.

Option to Reappear in Exempted Papers:

  • If you make an exemption permanent, you still have the option to surrender and reappear in the paper.

Automatic Permanent Exemptions

If you secured an exemption in the following subjects in May 2022, Nov 2022, May 2023, or Nov 2023, you do not need to apply:

SubjectPermanent Exemption Applies To
Paper 4: Corporate and Economic LawsExempt from Self-Paced Module SET A
Paper 5: Strategic Cost Management and Performance EvaluationExempt from Self-Paced Module SET B

Key Restrictions

No new exemptions in a group with a Permanent Exemption: If you have a permanent exemption (50PE) in a group, you cannot receive any new exemptions in that group.

Marks Above 50 Not Considered for Aggregate: If an exempted paper has a score above 50, only 50 marks will be considered for fulfilling the 50% aggregate requirement.

Transition from Old to New CA Final Scheme

For candidates shifting from the old scheme to the new scheme, here’s how your papers will be mapped:

Old Scheme PaperNew Scheme Equivalent
Financial ReportingFinancial Reporting
Strategic Financial ManagementAdvanced Financial Management
Advanced Auditing & Professional EthicsAdvanced Auditing, Assurance & Professional Ethics
Corporate & Economic LawsSelf-Paced Online Module SET A
Strategic Cost Management & Performance EvaluationSelf-Paced Online Module SET B
Elective PaperIntegrated Business Solutions
Direct Tax Laws & International TaxationDirect Tax Laws & International Taxation
Indirect Tax LawsIndirect Tax Laws

How to Apply for Permanent Exemption?

Step 1: Log in to ICAI’s SSP Portal (https://www.icai.org/post/exam-may-2025)
Step 2: Locate the Permanent Exemption Option in your dashboard.
Step 3: Submit your application within March 1 – March 20, 2025.
Step 4: Once applied, the exemption cannot be reversed.

Need Help?

For Queries: Email final.exemption@icai.in

That’s all for now. Stay Connected for more such authentic updates.

Jai Hind, Vande Mataram
Team CA Study

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