Is CA Study Personnel on A HOLIDAY Now A Days ??


CA Study Usher

Hello Everyone,
Many might be thinking what’s next for us. Is there going to be any thing new in App or it will just end here doing the same monotonous Notes Uploading Stuff, is?the CA Study Personnel on Winter Holidays or Something ??
haha Definitely Not !!
Actually there is a lot going on Back End. As We are Just Started.I am going to give glimpse of what is going on in Back End of App.?
So here it is –
1 )?Database Shifting
Entire database is being shifted to Google Drive from Box Drive. It will help navigate through to the Notes more quickly. Will result in saving of time for Students.
2)?Database Organization
Notes are being organized in a more appropriate way in Library. Folders for May 2019 are in the process of creating. Nov 2018 & May 2018 folders will be available separately for ease of access.
3)?CA Study Store?
CA Study Store feature is in the process of development. From Store feature Students will be able to Place Orders for Pen Drive Classes and Books directly from CA Study App itself. We are trying to contact and bring the Best Teachers. There will be Offers too. Store feature will go live soon.
4)?Foundation / CPT Updates
Notes / Updates for CA Foundation / CPT will be provided in App too. Currently Only Intermediate & Final Notes / Updates are being provided.
5)?Push Notifications Configured
Selective Push Notification will be configured in App. That means if notes for Intermediate are uploaded then Final & Foundation / CPT Students will not receive any Push Notification. Definitely notes of all the levels of CA will be available for all the Levels of CA that means even if you are a Final Student, you can view and download Foundation Notes same as Foundation Students might be doing. That means less disturbance as a result of less Push Notifications.?
6)?A Surprise
One Unique Feature which is better to keep secret for now. It will be most amazing feature of CA Study App. But won’t be disclosing anything about it right now.
Other minor changes to App that are not even worth mentioning here.
These are just current working goals. However, i won’t be updating about new working goals every time.I just thought this time it is appropriate to notify you guys about the Back End Working of CA Study Personnel.
?Have a Good Time Guys 🙂

Thanks for Your Constant Support & Love,For Team CA Study,Devansh Singh Gour,Developer cum Owner

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